Another month has come and went, I can’t believe how time flies.
This month was filled with ups and downs, but I guess most usually are. It started with being able to watch history take place as the first African-American President was elected. I was unable to register in time to vote, but Obama would have been my choice, so I couldn’t have been happier. I’ve heard many say that they are now afraid of what’s to come, but I think that either of the candidates would have a long, tough road ahead of them to straighten out the country’s future.
I’ve also attended church a few times with Chris and his family. I appreciate and enjoy the community environment, but I still have reservations regarding organized religion, so sitting through the services is sometimes difficult. This church is based on their belief in the bible, and that it was written as a history; whereas I believe that it is more or less a book of stories written to inspire and teach morals and values in their telling. Also, I have an issue at the commercialization of the services – I swear that once they asked us to take out our wallets three times in the span of an hour. Chris and I have discussed trying out a few different churches to see if we can find one that we are both more comfortable with.
Little Annie Pants has been making “puddles”. She seems to do it when I have been away for more than a day & she needs some attention. I am going to refill my pheromone diffuser and see if that helps, and I’ve been putting all the things that she likes to mark (pillows, blankets, etc…) put away when I’m not there – that seems to help. I also think things will improve once Chris moves in and I’m not gone every other night. Last week Annie swept her tail over one of my candles and singed half of her hair off. It didn’t hurt her, in fact she didn’t even notice it, but it really stunk up the bedroom.
The last week of the month was an expensive and emotional one. I hit a curb and destroyed one of my tires. Because Olivia is all-wheel drive, you can’t just replace one tire, you have to – as stated in my warranty and owner’s manual replace ALL FOUR. Which of course, I can’t afford. Luckily, I was able to do 90 day’s same as cash financing – or not so lucky when you consider the financial disaster I’m already in – and I’m hoping I can pay it of with my tax return. That same day I got my first collection call for my condo. I’ve been expecting it, but it was still like a blow to the head. Chris played the role of the hero and got on the phone with them – after they had called close to 20 times over the week and told them not to call any more – and they haven’t called since! The day before Thanksgiving I found out my cousin is pregnant and had myself a good cry. I know that if I’m meant to have a baby it will happen when the time is right, but that doesn’t make it any easier when those you know are being blessed with the one thing you truly want.
Thanksgiving was a great day. Lots of good food and family and friends. Our friend Roxy came by with her little girl Dolla, and Rhonda brought Jamie over in the afternoon. The boys have been teaching me how to play video games, and we spent a lot of the day in front to the TV, controllers in hand. Long after my bedtime I head home and let the boys play into the night since I was the only one that had to work the next day. After work, I picked up Jamie’s Christmas present and Chris and I locked ourselves in his room to wrap presents. Afterward we all sat down to play a game of monopoly – it’s probably been 20 years since I’ve done that!
I’m actually really excited for Christmas this year; we’ll have Jamie Christmas Eve night, so we’ll all be together to open gifts in the morning. I can’t wait to see their faces. This weekend I’m getting my first adult Christmas tree. Chris wants to go out and cut our own – I haven’t done that since I was little, but if he ends up working I’ll probably just go and buy one. It’ll be interesting to see what the cats do… I’ll let you know next month how many times the tree gets knocked over.