Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Anti-Social Behavior Disorder

Persistent lying or stealing
Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
Inability to keep jobs or stay in school
Impulsivity and/or recklessness
Lack of realistic, long-term goals - an inability or persistant failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals
Poor behavior controls - expressions of irritability, annoyance,impatience,threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
Recurring difficulties with the law
Tendency to violate the boundries and rights of others
Substance abuse
Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
Inability to tolerate boredom
Disregard for the safety of self or others
Persistant attitude of irrespinsibility
Difficulties with authority figures
Borrows money without repaying it
Arrogant and overly confident
Failure to plan ahead

A person with antisocial behavior might appear very charming and outgoing at first. However, friendships and relationships are hard to maintain as it becomes clear that it is too difficult to be close to this person. What first seems to be daring and fun becomes dangerous and thoughtless.

People exhibiting antisocial behavior are extremely selfish and self-centered.

This behavior in adults is not easily treated by psychotherapy or medication, as there is little motivation for adults to change. If you suspect an adult with this disorder it is best to avoid him as much as possible to protect yourself and your family.

Geee..... this kind of sounds like someone I know.