Saturday, May 19, 2007

Kissing Karma

While typing in my new URL, I mistakenly left the blog portion of the address out. What I found was a website for a band from New York named Kissing Karma. Their music isn't exactly my taste, but a worthwhile discovery.
This prompted me to take a moment to explain why I chose the name and title for my new blog. If you know anything about me, you should be aware that I am a firm believer in karma. I believe that all actions that a person makes will somehow make an effect on their future. I believe that every action has a consequence; sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes so subtle that it can go unnoticed, but a consequence none the less. A person's thoughts, words, and actions not only affect their own life, but the world around them. There is an energy all around us; it touches us all. It is acknowledged with differnet names, different deities, differnet languages in most forms of religion and spirituality around the world. It's a simple concept... treat yourself, others, and the earth with respect. Live your life with integrity and dignity. Be willing to accept your mistakes, your short-comings, you flaws, and love yourself not inspite of these things, but because of them. Hold true to what it is that makes you an individual. Accept that life has purpose.
To me, "Kissing Karma" means all of what I have described above. It stands for enbracing life; not giving up when my world seems to be falling apart. It means that I am greatful for the experience. It means that I am greatful and proud to be all that makes me who I am. It means that everything that encompasses the person that I am was achieved not only by my own actions, but the actions, words, and thoughts of all that have touched my life. It means that I accept the responsibility that comes with everything I think, do, and say; as I effect the world as it effects me.

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