Friday, September 28, 2007

The Changing of the Seasons

There’s a chill in the air. The colors are changing. Everywhere you look someone is bundled in a warm jacket. Air conditioners have been turned off. Furnaces are flaring up all over the valley.
Fall is here.
How can it be here already? How is it possible? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I had to go out & buy an air conditioner because by place was so unbearably hot. Wasn’t it just a minute ago that my little Karma was curled up in bed with me, healthy & happy? Wasn't it just mere seconds ago that I knew who and where I was?
My life over the last few months has been a blur. Continuos repeat of rushing through one day to get to the next. Most days I have no idea what day of the week it is. Constantly overwhelmed with too much to do, and frustrated because I seem to get nothing accomplished.
I need change. I need life. What I have now is simply a form of existence. I breathe. I function. I think. I fumble blindly through each day. I exist. I do not live.
Depressions always seems to accompany the cold and gray skies of this season.

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